Remember Him? Gerhard Richter, Eisberg (1982)

Gerhard Richter’s 1982 painting Iceberg (Eisberg) sold for £17.7 million (20,4 million) at Sotheby’s in London on March 8 this year, setting the record for the most expensive landscape painting sold at auction.

I can’t show you Richter’s painting (see the link above), but here’s another nice iceberg from Wikimedia Commons.

Iceberg near Baffin Island, Photo by Ansgar Walk, 1997, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link

4 thoughts on “Remember Him? Gerhard Richter, Eisberg (1982)

    1. Hi Eileen, sorry for the late response. I like that photograph too, but then the image on the poster is, of course, also an oil painting 🙂 But it works nicely photographed from that angle.


  1. Mira Tudor, Thank you for the share. The link didn’t work. But I found the landscape through an internet search. The Richter painting makes me think of the Titanic because of the big iceberg and globally warmed climate change because of all the smaller ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Derdriu, I saw some of the comments on my blog only a few days ago—two and half years later! 🙂 The link should work now—thank you! 🙂 I agree that Eisberg can make one think of global warming. But I’m more taken with his technique. I can almost feel the chill on my skin, and then that mist and the dim light conjure for me ideas like “mists of time” and “mists of memory” . . .


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