One Lovely Blog Award


Studious Creatives nominated me for this award yesterday. It was a nice surprise. Thank you!

So here’s how this works. The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog
  2. Share seven things about yourself
  3. Nominate others (up to 15)
  4. Include this set of rules
  5. Inform your nominees

Seven Things About Me:

  1. I place great value on my friendships, and I nurture them.
  2. I once wanted to become an art history professor. As that didn’t happen, I’m now looking to share my love of art with other people through this blog and my novels.
  3. I treasure encounters with warm, generous contemporary artists, and you wouldn’t believe how many of them are so very happy to make your acquaintance and see you engage with their works (and guide you through them), whether you know much about art or not.
  4. I once did a semi-independent course in painting, and while my grade wasn’t that great, every time I spent a few hours working on my project I entered an immersive state of flow which gave me an inner perspective on an important element that gets artists hooked to their art. I did try other artistic pursuits before and after that, but none of them have been that rewarding.
  5. My favorite month in Bucharest is September. Temperatures are in the mid and high twenties, and every year I look forward to spending more time outside in the early afternoon, as the golden light and the colors of the vegetation are wonderful. Much of it stays that way until mid-November. I’m including some pictures for reference. Somehow I don’t have September photos from recent years; the ones you see below are from October and November.
  6. I’m a strange ambivert. I derive energy from people . . . and then I get really tired.
  7. I don’t have a favorite place on earth, but I do have great memories from many places; and I am trying hard to discover ever more of what Bucharest has to offer.

My Nominated Blogs:

My OBT [One Beautiful Thing]

Corvus Fugit

M o o r e z a r t

Art of Quotation

the glaze london

Postmodern Zest

Writer’s Blog

Maverick Mist

Mari’s Book Reviews

Cal Turner Reviews