Reflections on Some Public Contemporary Art Pieces in London

Laura (lunchhourlondon) spends two of her one-hour lunch breaks hunting public contemporary art works in London.

Challenge: Public Contemporary Art

Lunch breaks taken: 2/5

Rating: Enchanting

I have fallen back in love with lunch breaks! Not that I was ever out of love with them, but the past couple of months of busy-ness and subsequently no midday time away from my desk meant that I had gotten used to being a bit lazy. There’s definitely a cosy satisfaction to spending all day at your desk, even though you know it makes you feel drained and heavy by the end of the day. I guess it’s a bit like staying in your pyjamas all weekend: you feel slightly gross, but at the same time self-indulgent.

Because of this, it took me a few weeks to shake off the sluggishness and motivate myself to actually get away from my desk. I undertook the last couple of challenges with a slightly lacklustre approach, not really engaging with them with…

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